Posted below are random photos of the last 3 weeks… I forgot my camera on a number of them so I’m kind of bummed about that. Here’s the events from the last 3 weeks.
We were at a BBQ/birthday party and the kids were having so much fun. All the boys were having so much fun. One time Caleb bounced out of the blow up and landed on the grass, hoped right back up and joined in on the fun. Caleb was getting so much air that Eric ran home to grab the camera. Madeline also loved the slip n slide and both kids got a kick out of the water balloons.
Caleb has been asking Eric to build a bird house for awhile now so Eric just had to build it with him. The spent a couple hours going to the store, measuring, cutting, and then building it. It was really cute to see them work on this together.
We have been having fun at the library. We picked up a book on how to build airplanes. They are intense airplanes that require a lot of direction, cutting and glue. Eric and caleb put these together.
Another book we picked up was how to draw. This is Caleb’ first official drawling. I’m seeing my side of the family in the picture.
We went to Castlewood State Park with Doria and her family. We had a picnic and enjoyed playing in the water. Eric and Caleb took off down stream and found all kinds of bugs and such.
Eric and I had a awesome double date at The Muny. My friend’s husband was given 4 tickets from work and we were the lucky ones that went with them. We had a picnic dinner next to the water with live music and then we went inside to find that we were sitting in box seats. We watched Damn Yankees. It is now my favorite show and I am beside myself for living here for 3 years and not going before. The acting, singing, dancing, backdrops were amazing.
This is the first time we took the kids to the Sting Ray exhibit at the zoo. We were there for over a hour. The kids loved it!
Madelines loves butterflys!
Hermann, MO
We took off for the Pettijohn’s house. They live about 1 hour away from us now. We had a lovely weekend hanging out, swimming at their local pool, (the kids LOVED the diving board) and I put on Keely’s baby shower.