Yes, I took this picture because I know one day it will be uncool to hold his mommy’s hand in public and I savored the moment.
Caleb’s dentist is by far the best dentist the out there. I was so impressed with the care that he gave to my son. I’m not to sure what all dentist do with a child for the first time but Caleb’s dentist received stars in my book. He took Caleb in his lap and put a huge stuff animal (frog with huge dentures) in the dentist chair and proceeded to tell and show Caleb what he was going to do to the frogs teeth. Caleb was able to use all the utensils on the frogs teeth and then it was Caleb’s turn. Caleb was a little nervous about it and kept crawling into my lap but I told him that I love to have me teeth cleaned and especially loved to have my gums tickled. He was interested in the tickling part so he climbed back into the dental chair.
that is SO COOL! im so glad that it went well!
Can I go to this dentist? As it is, I take Valium to have my teeth cleaned. This guy seems so nice maybe I could do it drug-free.
Probably not though.
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