Monday, April 13, 2009


This is when they discovered that the Easter bunny had come.

Caleb is standing at our garden. As you can see we have wall-of-waters up already with a tomatoe plant growing in each. We can't wait to have our tomatoes back this year. At the bottom you can see the start to the cage that Eric making for our strawberry plants to go into.

All of us enjoyed eating the eggs that we had just dyed. Yum!!!

We had a busy, eventful Easter. We ran off to church in the am and a couple of friends came with us. When we returned home we decided to have the Easter egg hunt. The kids of course enjoyed every minute of it. We also dyed eggs which they loved. I’m going to try to pick up more egg dye at the store and do it again with them. After dying them we decided that our tummy’s were hungry so we need to them enjoy them. It was a lot of fun for all of us. After all of our fun we raced over to a really good friend’s house and had Easter dinner with a group of friends. We had such a great time. After leaving we discover that we were there for 6 great hours but then needed to get the kids feed again and put them to bed. It was a great eventful day.

1 comment:

Dave and Kathryn Dodds said...

So cute! What a fun Easter! I can't wait until next year when we dye eggs. I decided this year I didn't want to try it.