Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Caleb's & Scott's Day (Grandparents Day)

Caleb had Grandparents day at his school. Since all of the Grandparents are out of town I asked him who he would like to have and he said Scott. Scott is our next door neighbor and he was so graciously willing to go to Caleb’s school and support him. I have to tell everyone that Caleb loves Scott. When he see’s him outside he talks about him until he is asleep. So Caleb was extra excited today to go to school because he knew that he got to hang out with Scott. I can’t begin to tell everyone how much I appreciated him stepping up and making my little boy smile. Just seeing the Joy from Caleb made me one happy mom. Here are some pictures that Scott took.

Caleb and Scott

Caleb and Alex.

Caleb served Scott muffins and ice-cream

Getting ready to go on stage

The kids sung 14 songs.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Zoo

Yesterday was absolutely beautiful so I decided to take the kids to the Zoo. We met a SAHD (stay at home dad) Kevin that is part of one of the playgroups that we are in. We walked the Zoo together. Caleb missed his son Gavin (now in school) but we had a nice time and it was very nice to walk the Zoo with someone else.

Below are 2 videos of the kids playing in the leaves.

The 31st

We hooked up with a friend in the neighborhood and went door to door. The kids LOVED all the candy that they received. We trick or treated for about 1 ½ hours and then all of us were getting cold. We asked the kids if they wanted to go a little more and to our surprise they said that they wanted to go home. We were really impressed so we went home, finished dinner, handed out candy and took a really warm bath so they could warm up. It was a nice night.

The kids got another hayride. They were so excited and talked about it until they went to bed. They really enjoy those hayrides.

Fall Harvest Festival

On the 30th we took the kids to a Fall Harvest Festival that was run through a Baptist church that Caleb plays soccer through. I also know the kids pastor wife from the bible study that I attend at my church. Eric and I decided to take the kids and they had so much fun. We all had pizza for dinner; the kids played in bouncy houses, played games for candy and had a hay ride. The kids LOVE hayrides!