We will start with the scary incident of the day…
I was talking on the phone and turn around and Caleb had play dough coming out of his noses and ears. I tried to dig the play dough out with my finger without pushing it back any further. Well it was really deep so I got a Q-tip, pulled some of the cotton off and then proceeded to get the majority out. The next thing I know there is blood. I FREAK!!! Call the doctor and they tell me that I need to see a nose, ear and throat specialist. So there I am in the waiting room crying my eyes out thinking I just damaged my son hearing. Good thing I am a silence crier. I’m sure the guy next to me saw me biting my lip and brushing the tears away but lucky the kids didn’t see. We get into the doctor and he ends up using a ear vacuum to suck the rest of the play dough out. Not only that but it’s way up in his nose but the doctor was not concerned about that… he said it will just come out. The blood was from me scraping the side of the ear canal and I didn’t touch his ear drum. Thank you LORD!!! What I learned today…. Play dough is NOT my Friend!!! The doc also said that if he complains about his ear in the next few days to call.
Eric’s 3rd Year
July 6th is when he will begin his third year. He will put away the jeans and the comfy T-shirts and be wearing slacks, a button down shirt with a tie and the white coat daily… sexy! The big change is that he will be out of the class room and following Doctors. Eric also applied for 2 Ophthalmology electives... Neural and General. He was given both. They only take one student for Neural and two for General during that semester block. His schedule is as follows…
Pediatrics – 8 weeks
Neuro/Psych – 8 weeks
Surgery – 8 weeks
Christmas Break – 2 weeks
OBG – 6 weeks
Family which is now his Ophthalmology elective. He will fulfill the Family portion during his 4th year – 6 weeks.
Internal Med – 12 weeks
Eric’s shoulder…
Eric shoulders has been killing him for months. It has become a regular routine for him to come home at night and ice it up. We have been trying to find a doctor but it was incredible hard so we switched insurances. Once we were switched, he was seen within 3 days from his phone call. Eric has loose ligaments and his shoulders pops out of socket easily. The doctor popped it back into place. Eric is not allowed to swim for 6 months and needs to build the muscle in his rotator cuff. He starts physical therapy this week.
An interesting side note is that Eric doctor is awesome!!! He has seen Eric for Free once and told Eric that if the ladies would have told him that he needed to be seen for this he would have taken Eric for free again. I think that is incredible nice.
Eric went out with a bang…
He honored his OBG class and was ranked number one in class with a few other students in Bedside Diagnosis.
Oh boy… is all both Eric and I can say. Madeline is just adorable!!! Those blond locks, that natural curl (we don’t know where that comes from), those blue eyes and that beautiful smile. I think we are in serious trouble when she gets older. Yesterday, at Caleb’s T-ball practice Madeline went running to the playground. There were 7 little boys (maybe 6 yrs old) playing and within a minute (less than a minute and they came to her) of Madeline going over there… they were circled around her and she was in the middle. It was crazy to see. I told Eric to look at Maddie, he looked up and said Oh boy… we are in trouble! And that we are! She loves to hug and kiss too. You should see the process of her having to say goodbye to her teddy bear and leaving him in the car. Oh man… we are in trouble!!!
Loves to play Monster Trucks and ride his “2 wheel” bike. He’s still really proud that he can ride with just 2 wheels. Caleb finished up his first year of preschool and told his teacher that he was going to be the leader on the first day of pre-kindergarten next school year. Caleb is so independent but he has these moments where he loves to snuggle up next to me. I love the mornings when he crawls in bed and we get to cuddle before we start the day or when he stops playing and climbs into my lap and just wants a big loving hug.
Talking about hugs… hugs and cuddle time have become one of my favorite parts of the day. The kids and I are staying busy. The last few morning we have been hitting they gym before our big adventure. Today we ran to the mall where I ran across one of my favorite shower gels called Juniper breeze. I would never initially enjoy the sent in the common shower but it’s a special treat for my baths. I think it’s because it reminds me of hot tubing at my dad’s house when I was younger. There was a big tree right next to the hot tub and we use to take the leaves, rip them, place them in the hot tub and there would be a really nice aroma. It smelled so good. I ran out of it months ago and was very sad because I couldn’t enjoy it any longer. But it was supper “cheep” today because they were getting rid of past product. Yeah… for me!!!
I also wanted to share this soup with you. It’s SO good that we just can’t get enough of it. I like to make homemade bread rolls with it too.
6 years ago
Thank goodness Caleb is OK... what a scare!!! Thanks for the family update... Busy times.
Just reading about Caleb's little incident was enough to make me freak. You're such a tough mom. I'm glad to know that he's alright.
It's great that Eric applied for an elective and was accepted. That should be a really good experience for him. Is he considering Ophthalmology as a speciality now? The last I heard was that he was thinking about OBGYN. I'm so thankful I'm not having to make that tough decision of choosing a speciality. = )
Best wishes to Eric on the USMLE!!!
Oh, and I know it's a little early, but it's better to wish it early than not at all..........
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